Hermitage Agway – Large Share

20 week delivery of a half bushel plus small peck equivalent box full of assorted vegetables suitable for a family of 3–5. On average, the produce included in this share is valued at $40.00 per week (value based on our market prices if items are purchased individually). This share will occasionally include honey, microgreens, and other specialty items such as potted herbs and flowers.

Hermitage Agway – Large Share


SKU: HA-Large-Share Category: Tag:

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What is a large share?

20 week delivery of a half bushel plus small peck equivalent box full of assorted vegetables suitable for a family of 3–5.  This share will occasionally include honey, microgreens, and other specialty items such as potted herbs and flowers.

  • Tomatoes 3 @ $4.00
  • Zucchini and summer squash 4@ $1.00 each
  • Sweet corn .60 cents an ear $4.80
  • Cucumbers 2 @ $1.50
  • Seasonal Fruit from Dawson’s Orchard $6.00 value
  • Onions 2 @ 1.50 each
  • Garlic 2 heads at $5.00
  • Microgreens 4 oz $8.00
  • Leafy greens and lettuce $4.00 (greens and lettuce will not be in the box together)
  • Sweet and Bell Peppers 3 to 4 @4.00

We reserve the right to change these items upon availability during the growing season (Box value approx. $40.00. Value based on our market prices if items are purchased individually)

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